Painter RIČARDAS FILISTOVIČIUS was born on April 28, 1951 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Attended Vilnius 11'th High School and Vilnius Children Art School. In 1975 graduated from Vilnius State Art Institute (at present - Vilnius Art Academy), department of painting. In 1999 - 2000 got the highest rank state grant in creative arts. Art works have been acquired by the Lithuanian State Art Museum in Vilnius, M. K. Ciurlionis State Art Museum in Kaunas, Tretiakov Galery in Moscow. A lot of works have been purchased by private collectors in several countries.
Participates in exhibitions since 1978.
Personal exhibitions:
- 1980 – Painting exhibition at the P. Cvirka's Art Showroom (At present - Gallery of Applied Arts)
- 1981 – Drawing exhibition
- 1984 – Painting exhibition at the National M. Mazvydas Library
- 1998 – Painting exhibition at the Showroom of Lithuanian Artists' Association
- 1998 – Polish Art Gallery “Znad Willi”
- 2000 – S. Juskaus art Gallery “Vilnius and Art”
- 2001 – Gallery “Arka” – “The Sleep of Lethargy”
- 2001 – Polish Art Gallery “Znad Willi”
- 2003 – Poland, Poznan, Gallery „Garbary 48“
- 2004 – Kaunas, „Spalvų paslaptys“ - Laima Kygaitė's Gallery, R. Filistovičius – H. Nataliavičius
- 2011 – Jubilee Painting exhibition (Pamėnkalnio Gallery)
- 2019 – "Lethargy sleep. The Resurrection", Lithuanian Artists’ Association, Vokiečių g. 2, Vilnius.
Major group exhibitions:
- 1978, 1979, 1981, 1984 - Republic Exhibitions of Young Artists
- 1978, 1980, 1981, 1984, 1986, 1995 - Republic Exhibitions of Fine Arts
- 1995 - Exhibition “Lithuanian Art”
- 1997 - Exhibition “Lithuanian Art – Galleries present”
- 1982 - Baltic Young Artists Fine Arts Trienale “Youth – 82” (exhibition diploma)
- 1987 - Republic Art Exhibition, “Parodų rūmai”
- 1990–1995 - Oils at the Group Exhibitions at the “Vartu” Galler
- 1990–2000 - Group Christmas Exhibitions at the “Vartu” Gallery
- 1996 - Exhibition National Gallery “Vilnius 1996”
- 1999Group Exhibitions at the S. Juskaus Gallery “Vilnius and Art”
- Group Exhibitions at the Polish Art Gallery “Znad Willi”
- 2001 - Exhibition “Present For My Self – New Face” Ark Gallery
- 2001 09 03–2001 11 03 - Exhibition at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- 2001 - Exhibition “Vilniaus Tapyba 2001”
- 2001 - Medal Gallery, sechs Jahre Galerie “Znad Willi”
- 2003 - Exhibition “Unknown Lithuanian Art of Twentieth Century's Last Decade”
- 2005 - Exhibition “Clock”, Pamėnkalnio Gallery
- 2005 - Paintings Exhibition “Gratulatio Vilnae” - Vilniaus Pasveikinimas, Ark Gallery
- 2007 - Ukraine, Černovcy, Art Museum “Mir Levkasa”
- 2008 - Drawing Exhibition, devoted to the memory of the sculptor Petras Aleksandravičiaus - Drawings 2008
- 2009.09 - LitExpo Exhibition Centre, Second Baltic Modern Art Quadrennial
- 2011 - Exhibition “Red” Ark Gallery
- 2011 – 300 years of Kristionas Donelaitis, Ark Gallery
Lithuanian painting exhibitions abroad:
- 1982, 1988 - Moscow (Russia);
- 1982 - Chicago (M. K. Ciurlionis Gallery, Avizienis collection);
- 1983 - Tartu (Estonia)
- 1988 - Helsinki
- 1992 - Holland
- 1996 - Aachen, (Germany)
- 1997 - Warsaw (Poland)
- 2004 - Poznan (Poland)
- 2007 - Pultusk (Poland)
- 2009 - October, Poland, Exhibition “Monmarte in Vilnius”
International plein-airs:
- 1989 - Poland international plein-air, Poznan
- 2000 - Vilnius international plein-air “Vilnius at the edge of the year 2000”
- 2016 - "Eglės Sanatorija", Druskininkai
- 2017 - "Eglės Sanatorija", Druskininkai
- 2018 - "Eglės Sanatorija", Druskininkai
- 2019 - "Eglės Sanatorija", Druskininkai